
New Landscape Makes a Yard Feel New Again

Recommendations For A Successful Sod Installation Project

A new sod lawn provides obvious instant gratification and will take root and take off growing as long as you make the right preparations to the soil and install it in a smart manner. Here are some great recommendations that you can use and apply in your upcoming sod installation project to get your yard looking its best with a full lawn.

Check and Prepare the Soil

Your lawn is going to settle onto its new soil site and take root over the next few days and weeks, so it is essential that you prepare the soil properly before you install it. Once you lay your sod down, there will be no further opportunities to clean up, level, or grade the existing soil without harming your rooting lawn. So, be sure you take a good look at your existing soil and make corrections before the sod is installed.

First, look at the soil for any weed growth or existing lawn because you will need to fully remove it from the area. A mini excavator or similar equipment is a good option as it will help you easily level the area and remove any debris. Make sure rocks and bumps are removed and leveled so the soil is smooth. If you need to add in any nutrients to the soil, such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, be sure you complete this step now so you can till it into the soil first then level it properly. If you are not sure of your soil's health condition, you can have it tested for you at a local extension office. Your landscape professional can help you with this as well.

Compost is a good addition to add to the soil to prepare for the sod because it helps with soil drainage and will also boost the soil composition for added nutrients. However, if your soil contains a lot of hard clay, a combination of sand and compost will add the best benefits.

Promote Healthy Growth

When your sod order arrives, you should be prepared to install it as soon as possible. A sod supplier usually cuts the sod and prepares it for delivery to you the night before so it will be as fresh as possible. As such, it is important to care for it once it is in your hands. Apply a spray of water to the existing soil before you install the sod upon it so the roots have immediate access to moist soil to begin taking root. 

It can also be helpful to begin watering your new sod as soon as it is installed, which you can do in small sections on your lawn even before you have fully installed all of it. This is a good idea especially if the weather is especially hot and dry. Additionally, remember to stay off your new sod for at least several days to help prevent indents. Contact a sod installation company for more information. 

About Me

New Landscape Makes a Yard Feel New Again

Hi. My name is Martha. My husband Leo and I are empty nesters. The last of our three kids moved out of the home about eight years ago. Since that time, we have talked a great deal about retirement and what we wanted to do with our house. The house is slightly too large for just the two of us, but we already have two grandchildren and from the way our kids talk, we are in for plenty more. We have decided to stay in our home since it has plenty of room for our family to come and stay with us from time to time. The one thing we really wanted to change is the backyard. Leo retired last year, and I’ll be retiring in about six months. We are already talking with the landscape contractor, and I’m excited to share some of our plans with you!


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